2 Best Exercises for Lowering Your Cholesterol

2 Best Exercises for Lowering Your Cholesterol

by Dr. Sam Robbins

Today’s article I’ll reveal the 2 best types of exercise for lowering your cholesterol. The best part is that it requires no money and can be done anywhere, anytime…
But before I start with the exercises, I want to first discuss the REAL CAUSE of high cholesterol… something that most doctors don’t know.

2 Best Exercises for Lowering Your Cholesterol

My Parent’s Battle With High Cholesterol
& The REAL Cause Of It!…

Back in 1998 my parent’s blood work both showed high cholesterol levels. To make a long story short, we tried everything…
    • Cholesterol lowering “statin” drugs — but these just had a ton of negative side-effects, as I’m sure you know.
    • Change in lifestyle — better diet, exercise, rest, etc.. — this did help in the long-run, but it requires a lot more discipline and sacrifices
    • Supplements, herbs and vitamins — most were just a waste of time and money. Only about 6-7 key ingredients had a magical effect. And I’ll tell you which ones at the end of this short presentation
What I discovered through all of these things we tested is that the real cause of high cholesterol is genetics and the change in your HORMONES due to AGING!

And this is why the older we get, the higher the cholesterol levels. And why women who go through menopause, all of a sudden have high cholesterol…
Again, the change in hormones. And this is why teenagers and people in their 20’s rarely have cholesterol problems and yet, they live a very unhealthy life-style.


And this is where the correct type of exercise can make improvements in your “youth hormones”, which will eventually cause an improvement in your cholesterol and lipid levels.
One of the best ways to improve your “youth” hormones and help reverse aging, is by utilizing “resistant exercise”.

Basically, lifting weights! This can be done with free weights, cables, machines or even your own body weight. Thus, this can be done almost anywhere, anytime — no machines or gyms.
When you lift weights, you increase testosterone, growth hormones, thyroid hormones and other “youth” hormones, which naturally help “fix” many health problems over time — one of them being high cholesterol.
And don’t worry, you’re not going to get “buffed” out – especially women. That’s just genetics and lots of steroids.


The next best exercise is walking. Again, you can do it anywhere, anytime. Walking is great because it is AEROBIC (with oxygen), while lifting weights is ANAEROBIC (without oxygen).
You need both. The REAL benefit with walking is that it helps lower your stress hormones, such as cortisol — which is an “aging” hormone.

As far as how much, how often and how long? Start off lifting weights 3x a week, 20-45 min max. That’s all you need.
And walk 3-4x weekly, 20-45 min. Start low and build up over time.
You can do your walking and lifting weights on the same day or on alternate days … or whenever. What’s important is that you just do it!

THIS is the reason you have high cholesterol [and NO, it's not your diet!]

CholesLo HFL - Lower your Cholesterol Dramatically!
Hi  ... my good friend, 
Dr. Sam Robbins has a great video about how he lowered this parent's cholesterol by 30 pts in only 30 days, naturally! Basically, he needed to find an alternative to the statin drugs, since his parents were having too many side-effects from them (muscle and joint pain, memory loss, insomnia, depression, etc.) Sadly, eating better and exercising more didn't make that much of an improvement in his parent's cholesterol levels... (maybe you've run into the same problem?) ... And THAT'S what you'll discover in today's video -- the REAL cause of high cholesterol! Anyway, if you're interested in lowering your cholesterol once and for all, without prescription drugs ... take a look at Dr. Sam's short video (it's about 2 minutes long).
Discover how YOU can Safely and Naturally: 
* Dramatically Reduce Your Cholesterol & Triglyceride Levels
* Cleanse & Repair the LIVER (where cholesterol problems begin)
* NO prescription. NO drugs. NO side-effects Safe cholesterol reduction without the harmful side-effects of the statin drugs. Often with just as fast and dramatic results! Try a free bottle by going to http://www.cholesteroloptimizer.com

Fastest & Easiest Solution For
Improving Your Cholesterol & Lipid Levels

So there are lots of ways for improving your cholesterol and lipid levels – diet and exercise being the two important factors. Unfortunately, they take time and most people are either NOT patient or need faster results, with less effort…
This is the exact problem I ran into with my own parents. Because of this, I needed to find a simple, easy and fast solution for lowering their bad cholesterol levels in less than 30 dayswithout the use of harmful prescription drugs or following a restrictive diet.
If this is something you’re also interested in, you can easily copy this “perfect formula”, implement it and start seeing and feeling results within days


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