OK, that's bad enough. But what a lot of men don't realize is that it gets much worse.
There Is Another Force
Fighting Against Your Manhood
The other force that's working against you is estrogen – the main female hormone. It is increasing in your body at the same time testosterone is decreasing.
Here's how it works...
Estrogen is actually made from the circulating testosterone in the body by an enzyme called aromatase.
As men age, they tend to make increasing levels of estrogen with decreased production of testosterone.
Now, estrogen can be made in the liver, muscle and brain, as well as the fat cells.
And this is also where a lot of the concern is.
As obesity rates go up in this country and around the world, the production of estrogen will also increase from the fat cells.
The end result of all this is a bad combination of decreasing testosterone and increasing estrogen.
Just take a look at this next chart:
But it gets worse yet.
You also consume estrogen when you eat animals that were raised with estrogen-based feeds, used to make them fatter and softer (for greater profit).
In fact, a lot of this estrogen passes through the animals – beef and poultry, etc. – and goes into the ground water.
And a lot of the estrogen-based medications women use also passes through them and into the water supply.
Just one more shot of the bad news – it's important that you understand all the forces that are working against you as a man – and then I promise...I'm going to tell you how you can change your life.
Here's the last of the bad news...
Strange Chemicals Called Xenoestrogens
Are Turning You into a Woman
Xenoestrogens mimic the effect of estrogen in the body. So they are called "estrogen mimickers."
These estrogen mimickers easily bind to estrogen receptor sites on your cells and trigger male breast growth, prostate enlargement and other estrogen-related problems.
The scientific evidence is all around...
So if you are struggling to control your weight, and have a lack of sexual desire and stamina these estrogen mimickers are one more reason.
And most of the time you don't even know it until it's too late.
You also consume xenoestrogens when you eat fruits and vegetables that have been treated with pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. And most are.
Xenoestrogens are also in the additives and preservatives in beverages and packaged foods of all kinds, including cookies, sodas, breads, muffins, cereal, chocolate, ice-cream, and frozen foods...2
Many forms of dangerous xenoestrogens are in most personal care products... They're even in the water you drink.
And here's how these vicious chemical toxins are attacking your masculinity and turning you into a woman...
How Out-of-Control Estrogen
May Be Wrecking Your Life...
And What You Can Do About it...
Here are a couple of major points about estrogen dominance:
1) Many men suffer from it. Here's how estrogen dominance happens to so many men today...
First of all, this deluge of feminine hormones finds a welcome home in fatty tissues in your stomach. You know this is happening when your muscles shrink and you become fatter, especially around the stomach.
Using these fat cells as a base, estrogen spreads throughout your body. The amount of estrogen grows larger and larger. Finally there's more estrogen than there is testosterone. It only takes a small excess of chemical estrogens to trigger the estrogen dominance syndrome, and all its devastating effects...
2) When estrogen gets the upper hand everything changes.
For one thing your prostate may swell and urination becomes difficult. You've probably experienced this.
With too little testosterone present, estrogen takes over cell receptor sites throughout your body. That means trouble for your sex life. Testosterone becomes permanently locked in the "off" position. And even your appetite for sex dies off.
3) Estrogen saturates testosterone receptors in the brain, sending signals to the pituitary gland to STOP producing testosterone. This makes things worse!
But estrogen is not finished yet. There's even more...
Now even your own body starts working against you... estrogen signals your body to produce large amounts of the aromatase enzyme, which gobbles up good testosterone and turns it into to estrogen. YIKES!
But that's still not all. Your body is then flooded with a substance called SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) that binds to all the free testosterone it can find, further reducing your testosterone.
The Fat to Estrogen Cycle
Estrogen in full control is hard to turn off... extra estrogen causes the body to produce and store fat, and more fat in your body produces even more estrogen.
And the whole cycle spirals out of control — you get fatter and rounder... and you start looking and feeling like a woman, until masculinity is just a distant memory.
There's no hope unless you can stop this viscous cycle FAST!
Two Capsules a Day
Brings RELIEF in 15 to 30 Days
His name is Dr. David Blyweiss.
He's been a practicing M.D. for 28 years, and is also an expert clinical pharmacist. So he knows, like very few doctors do, how to make natural compounds that work.
He's also a great diagnostician. He gave me a compound specifically for the feminization problems I was having. The same formula he gave to my friend. I asked him, "Do you think this will work?"
He said, "There's no doubt. This is a very strong formula. But you must make sure you take exactly two capsules a day, and no more. If you take too much you could start having symptoms of excessive masculine hormone. And we wouldn't want that to happen."
I was relieved. And sure enough -- within two weeks I started to see results. I felt more alive and energetic. The rapid weight gains slowed down, and I got back to my normal weight — without dieting!
After a while my prostate problems were gone, too — no more urgency, and no more late night bathroom trips. But the most exciting part was in the bedroom. I got the "old me" back. My desire for sex was stronger than ever, and so were my erections.
"Dr. Blyweiss gave me
my male MOJO back.
I was overjoyed!"
Now, you might be suffering from the same abnormal condition... and are looking for a natural way to strengthen your masculinity, and reverse the damage done by all harmful chemicals you've ingested.
Would you like to lose weight, shrink your man boobs, increase your sex drive, gain more muscle mass, protect your prostate and rev up your energy levels?
It's not some impossible dream. Now you can defend yourself against a dangerous threat to the masculinity of men all across the globe.
In fact, I was so impressed with Dr. Blyweiss that I arranged for the UniScience Group® to partner with him so that we could create a commercial version of this formula and make it available to more men. It now contains all the strongest substances known for stopping and reversing the effects of the toxic and feminizing chemicals in our food, water and environment.
It's called Masculon-Forte™... and there's no other product like it on the market.
I'll tell you more about Masculon-Forte™ in a minute, including how to sample it RISK Free. And if it doesn't eliminate your manhood problems you will PAY NOTHING for it.
But let me sum this all up for you...
"Banish Estrogen From Your Life!"
I have more energy and feel better.I told my brother and some friends about Masculon-Forte.” *
---Ronald W., Houston, TX
As I've shown you, every day a sea of feminizing chemicals threaten the very basis of your masculine sexuality. The first line of attack is to rid your environment of these chemicals.
It's impossible to avoid them all. Decreasing them by 50% to 75% would be enough to shift your hormone balance to decidedly MASCULINE!
You can get all the details in a comprehensive new research report written by Dr. Blyweiss, The Estrogen Epidemic: How to Banish Feminizing Estrogens from Your Life.
In this report you'll discover how a few key changes to your diet and your environment can dramatically reduce estrogen and restore your masculine hormone balance... that will help get your masculinity back, clobber urination problems... eliminate sleepless nights... and get you back to "business as usual."
You'll learn...which foods are most and least contaminated... Why you're much safer eating frozen produce instead of canned... a safe non-estrogenic way to store foods... what kinds of waters to avoid... and how to make sure your drinking water is pure and estrogen-free.
You can download The Estrogen Epidemic: How to Banish Feminizing Estrogens from Your Life immediately... and begin reading it within the next few minutes. I'll show you how, later in this report.
This report is so valuable that it could easily cost up to $99 or more.
I felt better overall, plus knowing [your product] was making me healthier,and repairing some damage due to poor eating habits”*
---Dan W., Anchorage, AK
And when you consider that it could save your masculinity, its actual value is much, much more. I would be willing to spend thousands of dollars to protect my manhood. Maybe you would too.
But you won't have to pay thousands of dollars for this research report. I would like to send you this special report free of charge. I'll give you all the details later. But first I want to make one very important point that you must not miss!
Eliminating xenoestrogens from your home and pantry can help prevent future exposure. But what about the excess estrogen that is already stored in your fat cells, and circulating throughout your body? How do you get rid of that?
The answer is Dr. Blyweiss's new dietary supplement, Masculon-Forte™, which was designed to attack the devastating effects of estrogen in your body in four ways...
Let Masculon-Forte RESTORE "Testosterone Dominance" and Make You a Man Again...
This Estrogen-Busting Formula Will Do
The Job For You – Or it's Free! You Have
A Rock-Hard Risk-Free Guarantee!
I am 72 years of age & since starting on Masculon-Forte have found I have more energy [and] just feel better in myself. My wife tells me I am not the grumpy old fella and she doesn't mind being home a bit more !!! Great product & I intend to keep taking it. Thanks very much for making my life more enjoyable.”*
---Tony O., Croatia
The ten estrogen fighters in Masculon-Forte™ will...
1. Flush excess estrogen from your body
2. Stop testosterone from turning into estrogen
3. Prevent xenoestrogens from binding to testosterone receptors
4. Boost testosterone levels to a youthful state
In short Masculon-Forte™ contains ten powerful estrogen fighters that decrease your estrogen levels, increase your testosterone and boost your sex drive... so you can reclaim your manhood FAST. Here's the research that proves it...
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #1: ZINC
Stimulates testosterone production, protects your prostate and stops aromatase from converting testosterone into estrogen.
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #2: RESVERATROL
Prevents estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors and blocks estrogen formation.
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #3: CHRYSIN
Decreases estrogen, increases testosterone and boosts libido.
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #4: CALCIUM D-GLUCARATE
Restores your natural hormone balance and flushes estrogenic toxins from your body.
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #5: N-ACETYL CYSTEINE
Builds muscle mass and helps your liver eliminate excess estrogens.
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #6: MILK THISTLE
Strengthens your liver's ability to rid your body of estrogen and stops xenoestrogens from taking over estrogen receptors.
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #7: PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE
Enables your liver to convert harmful estrogen into a more benign form.
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #8: ALPHA LIPOIC ACID
Enhances your liver's ability to corral and remove excess estrogen.
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #9: DIM
Helps fight the aromatase process that converts testosterone to estrogen.
Powerful Estrogen Fighter #10: BIOPERINE®
Promotes nutrient absorption and reduces inflammation.
All these ingredients work together to make a powerful testosterone boosting and estrogen fighting supplement.
Masculon Forte Ingredients
Masculon-Forte™ increases unbound free testosterone. That makes for a healthy sex life, a strong libido, lots of lean muscle mass, and a faster fat burning metabolism.
Just take Masculon-Forte™ and watch the results. This powerful combination of estrogen fighters will flush estrogen right out of your body, and raise your testosterone to youthful levels. With testosterone zooming, you're once again be a man to be reckoned with.
Remarkable Results From Grateful Men
- Increased libido, more energy, less prostate problems… in one pill! “I’ve taking Masculon-Forte™ for two weeks, and I have more energy, less anxiety, a sense of youthful exuberance. I’ve noticed an increase in my libido and less prostate problems.
“I like the simplicity of having a product that addresses all the issues that seem to affect modern man. I can think of nothing more important than addressing those issues which seem to be turning us into females. I shudder at the thought.” — R.D., Florissant, Missouri - Harder, firmer, sexier! “With Masculon-Forte™, I have noticed an increase in the ability to have firm erections and maintain them. My libido has certainly increased as I have regained confidence. Been taking it 3-4 weeks. Successful sex often follows my morning capsule as my T levels are higher. Not bad for a 70-year old.” — D.H.M., France

Feel younger, stronger, sexier.
- Improved sex life, and the lady of the family really likes it! “With Masculon-Forte™, I feel more energetic and stronger as well. My libido has definitely increased. The lady of the family has picked up on my youthful rigidity, if you know what I mean, and really likes it. Sometimes even I have been amazed as I don’t remember ever seeing such a robust member!
“I have been using Masculon-Forte™ for three weeks… the improvement in the sex life for a man at age 66 is hands down the best. I think if guys are thinking of trying to regain their glory days, they owe it to themselves to give this product a fair trial.” — D.H., Everett, Washington - Belly fat and man boobs vanishing! “After taking Masculon-Forte™, I feel like I have more energy. I have lost inches off my waist and chest (man boobs). I sleep most of the night without getting up to use the restroom. I would recommend Masculon-Forte™ to other men.” — R.W., Houston, Texas

- Muscle mass restored! “I feel stronger in the very sense of the word. Masculon-Forte™ has increased my libido, and my muscle mass is coming back.” — P.P. Suffern, New York
- Reclaimed manhood! “I have more energy and feel stronger and more masculine. Has helped increase my libido, too. So glad to get back my manhood.” — D.P., Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

Enjoy greater passions and pleasures.
- Sexual prowess of my youth! “I am a 69-year-old male whose body was steadily going to seed! With Masculon-Forte™, I indeed feel stronger and more masculine. My libido has definitely increased. Been taking it for two months. It’s easy to take and seems to address the wages of time on my testosterone. I intend to continue taking it and regain the sexual prowess of my youth.” — A.R., Manchester, England
- Better than others! “With Masculon-Forte™, my energy has been on the rise. My libido is on the rise, too and my muscle mass seems to be working much better at the gym.
“I have tried other products but this one covers more of a wide range. It gives you all the things you’re missing the other products don’t give you. Very well rounded.” — G.G, Long Beach, California - Big improvement in his strength, wife says! “I purchased Masculon- Forte for my husband. He was tired and had some weakness. After taking it for four weeks, he was not as tired, and I could see a big improvement in his strength. This is an improvement in his lean muscle mass, too. I would recommend this for increasing strength.” — K.S, Port Lavaca, Texas
- Stops feminizing estrogens! “Taking Masculon-Forte™ for three months, I feel more masculine and feel I have lost belly fat. It has worked really well to increase my libido. It stops phytoestrogens that are so predominant in our diet.” — M.P., Burbank, Illinois
*Results not typical. Individual results may vary.
Don’t wait another day. Banish estrogen for life and restore your health and manhood!

Boost T and decrease E… and revive your sex drive.
Take Masculon-Forte™ and you could see significant improvement in as little as two weeks.
It will restore your natural hormone balance, you’ll feel like a man, and you’ll be able to perform like one. You’ll gain muscle mass, lose belly flab and melt away your man boobs. Plus you’ll feel more energetic than you have in years.
Erections will be easy and spontaneous because estrogen will no longer desensitize your sexual organs. Your sexual hunger will naturally return, and you might even desire sex multiple times a day.
But remember one thing: These female destroyers of masculinity are still invading your body. Even when your symptoms disappear, these dangerous estrogens are still coming at you. Masculon-Forte™ will fight them off, keeping you virile and sexually potent. But…
The bottom line is this: You must use the product every day for it to work — if you try it for a while, a month or two and then stop, YOUR SEXUAL PROBLEMS WILL RETURN.
It takes at least a half year to fully restore your male hormone balance. That’s why I recommend that you order our BEST DEAL, which gives you enough Masculon-Forte™ to keep your masculinity running at full tilt for a full six months and beyond.
But that’s not all…
You’ll Get Six of My Confidential Research E‑Reports to Kick Your Masculinity into High Gear FAST — $119.70 Value
Here is all the information I want to get into your hands — and they’re FREE with your order:
FREE Research E-Report #1:
The Estrogen Epidemic: How to Banish
Feminizing Estrogens from Your Life
— a $20.00 value.
Discover why estrogen is rising in your environment and in men’s bodies… the best way to get tested for estrogen… 7 most common reason why toxic estrogen builds up in your body… how to reverse estrogen dominance… and more, FREE!
FREE Research E-Report #2:
The Estrogen Lowering Diet: Foods that
Build Testosterone and Eliminate Estrogen
— a $20.00 value.
Learn how to get off the great hormonal rollercoaster… popular foods and drinks laden with hidden estrogens you must avoid… the six best estrogen-reducing foods… foods to eat and foods to avoid if you want to boost T and lower E, all FREE!
FREE Research E-Report #3:
Natural Aphrodisiacs: Hotter Sex for Men
of Any Age
— a $20.00 value.
A real man’s report. Find out the five most common libido robbers — and how to avoid them… which aphrodisiacs are legit — and which are pure hype… and five libido lifters that can give you wall shaking sex, safely and naturally, yours FREE!
FREE Research E-Report #4:
Testosterone Boosters: Foods, Spices
and Herbs that Boost Testosterone Naturally
and Invigorate Sex Drive
— a $20.00 value.
In this must read report, you’ll discover foods, spices and herbs that boost testosterone naturally and skyrocket your sex drive. Plus read about five super supplement that can send your testosterone — and sex life — though the roof, FREE!
FREE Research E-Report #5:
Growth Hormone Releasers: How to Have
the Growth Hormones of an 18 Year Old
— a $20.00 value.
Want to feel younger, longer? Then read this report which reveals the secret of producing more Human Growth Hormone without shots or doctors. Includes four amazing amino acids… six growth hormone releasers… and many other secrets to ramp up your levels of HGH and feel stronger, sexier and more manly, FREE!
FREE Research E-Report #6:
Exercises You Can Do Every Day to Reduce Estrogen and Make Your Testosterone Surge
— a $20.00 value.
You know you need to exercise more, right? Only these special exercises help reduce estrogen and increase testosterone. Includes cardio exercises, easy stretching secrets and your own testosterone boosting workout that can do wonders for your body and your sex life, FREE!
Now, here’s what you need to do right away:
These research E-reports are yours free when you order the Best Deal of Masculon‑Forte™. All you need to do is place your order now, and you will immediately receive all six E-reports, and start reading them right away.
Plus, I have something else for you…
EXTRA BONUS: A twice-weekly subscription to Advanced Natural Wellness — YOURS FREE!
My e-newsletter is your source for original, ground breaking coverage of the newest medically-documented discoveries in natural medicine. You’ll receive eight issues every month for the next 12 months, plus access to our data-base of over 520 research-packed back-issues.
With your order you will automatically be signed up for the Advanced Natural Wellness monthly e-letter, it’s that easy.
You’ll receive FREE gifts and savings valued at $179.45
when you place your Best Deal order for Masculon-Forte™.
Plus, if you order within the next 7 days your shipping is
And remember this:
Masculon-Forte™ is a Proprietary
Product Made and Marketed
Exclusively by the UniScience Group
Nobody else makes Masculon-Forte™. It is a proprietary product made and marketed exclusively by the UniScience Group®.
Accept no substitutes. This is the only formula of its kind. Dr. Blyweiss has created it especially for the UniScience Group®.
I'm making this special, "Guaranteed To Work or It's FREE Offer" now, ONLY to the limited number of men who receive this mailing — no one else. I can't guarantee you'll ever receive this mailing again.
What's more, this offer may be withdrawn at any time without notice. If this happens, you will NEVER have this opportunity again. I urge you to accept this offer now, so that you won't be disappointed. Order Masculon-Forte™ right now, today — before it's too late.
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